"Can you believe Susan?" asked Cheryl as she clutched her Starbucks coffee cup.
"No way! She is INSANE!" replied Tina. And they remained silent thereafter.
Bathed in the moment that embodied awkwardness and soaking in the lathery realm that was indeed splendidly dark.
Stark contrasts remained the theme for the rest of the night; tossing and turning and churning throughout a confused
and infused drunken sunbeam. Mechanically separated in order to weed out the unsavourable moments whose intentions were nothing other than insidious. Coming forward and taking steps into the morning hours. Looking forward to the humour, which would ensue. Bring me your screeching banshees with their irresistible smiling cankles. Underestimation for the sake of its own invention; betrayed movements across bleak pictures bleeding frivolously in an arbitrary sort of way. "Tucked beneath all of my glorious luxury is a neigh emancipated woman whose life is not worth living," reflected Tina whilst Cheryl continued sipping away at her venti soy hazelnut vanilla cinnamon white mocha with extra white mocha, caramel and 13 extra shots.
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