Meandering about is an envious place on your spicy rack. Nodes and droves of which we once wept; keep things if only to be kept. Mis-communications for the sake of understanding... What are we doing? Random and disproportionate schemes thought up in defaulted dreams. Sunsoaked endeavours, writhing in the wind.

"This is your chance your chance to shine, little girl!", she says on a whim. Unmasking the highly unlikely fitz of your soul, with underwater images of a rusted hole... Falling down into the catalcysmic abyss; it is your only friend on this alientated dish. Must be a musty village whose eyes peered down on us and lied. Must have been a frightened child whose aspirations were tied... Down into the places we never walk alone. Mumbling, disconfigured. Words on the telephone. Hampered and unstable are our minds from left to right. Seeking new recruits is the flavour of tonight. All our friends once worried and all of them once cared. Now it's just a game they play because they're fucking scared.

"This is your chance your chance to shine, little girl!", she says on a whim. Unmasking the highly unlikely fitz of your soul, with underwater images of a rusted hole... Falling down into the catalcysmic abyss; it is your only friend on this alientated dish. Must be a musty village whose eyes peered down on us and lied. Must have been a frightened child whose aspirations were tied... Down into the places we never walk alone. Mumbling, disconfigured. Words on the telephone. Hampered and unstable are our minds from left to right. Seeking new recruits is the flavour of tonight. All our friends once worried and all of them once cared. Now it's just a game they play because they're fucking scared.